Jared RosenbaumComment

Episode 006 - Dale Hendricks on Rewilding the Landscape

Jared RosenbaumComment
Episode 006 - Dale Hendricks on Rewilding the Landscape

This conversation is with Dale Hendricks of Green Light Plants in southeastern Pennsylvania.

We delve deep into Dale's experience with rewilding the landscape, discussing permaculture approaches, biochar and soil carbon, the connection between health and food systems, and a bit about the legendary Hershey Nursery growing tree crops. We also discuss pawpaws, persimmons, honey locust, ramps and other native permaculture food crops.

Dale's a character, a very generous human being, and very sharp. I think you'll enjoy listening to our chat.

This podcast is brought to you by Wild Ridge Plants. We started Wild Ridge to offer a toolkit for the restoration of native plant communities, including a native plant nursery, botanical surveys and stewardship planning, as well as classes, hikes, presentations and publications. Check us out online at wildridgeplants.com

Here's a link some of Dale's writing on "Permaculture and Horticulture". 

The music is from my lo-fi music workshop aka banging around in the office after hours. I'm having trouble keeping up with new pieces for each podcast! I'm hoping to do some serious recording some time soon. For now, here's a snippet on slide guitar that I hope reflects Dale's folksy, energetic, friendly approach.

Listen here or find us on iTunes and Spotify.